The Taco Model 0013 cartridge circulator is specifically designed for high-head/high-flow applications in large residential/light commercial systems. Exclusive, Anti Condensate Baffle (ACB) protects motor windings on chilled water jobs. Available in cast iron or stainless steel construction stainless steel should be used on open-loop systems. Unique, "00" family replaceable cartridge contains all of the moving parts so you can service it easily instead of replacing the entire unit. Universal flange-to-flange dimensions and orientation allow the 0013 to easily replace other models.
Exclusive ACB anti-condensate baffle with ambient air flow-protects motor windings against condensate buildup|High velocity performance compact design|Quiet, efficient operation|Direct drive-low power consumption|Unique replaceable cartridge design-field serviceable|Self lubricating|No mechanical seal|Unmatched reliability - maintenance free|Universal flange to flange dimensions|Non-ferrous ACB baffle|Cast iron and stainless steel casing|Stator housing|Stainless steel cartridge|Non metallic impeller|Ceramic shaft|Carbon bearings|EPDM O-ring and gaskets
Taco Cartridge Circulator Pump, Series: 13 Series, 34 gpm, 33 ft Maximum Head, 1/6 hp, 115 VAC, 2 A, 60 Hz, 1 ph, 150 psi Maximum, 3250 rpm Motor, 40 to 230 deg F, 7-1/2 in L x 6-1/2 in H