The reliable float-and-stem design make them ideal for all low-pressure, non-vacuum residential and commercial steam heating systems|Angle configurations are typically Installed at the top of a steam radiator, for the purpose of venting trapped air by means of steam displacement|Durable chrome-plated finish is both decorative and functional; all configurations are plated and are more resistant to moisture staining than unplated vents|Capable of slow, medium or fast venting, to accommodate extreme variations in room temperatures, such as colder rooms with radiators located farthest from the boiler, to hotter rooms with radiators located closest to the boiler|Not suitable for hot water heating system’s air removal|6 psi drop-away pressure
LEGEND Heating Steam Angle Air Vent, Economy Adjustable, Series: T-90A, 1/8 in MNPT, 1.5 psi, Brass, Polished Chrome, 3.27 in H, Import